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2019-01-28 - 9:12 am

Dear readers-

Well, I'm screwed.

We didn't get that apartment in Greenacres. Stupid me!

I just got a text message from Ruby yesterday. Apparently the people who run the HOA for the community found about my little assault charge. Serves me right for talking about it before we were sure we were getting it.

This happens to me all the time: I talk about something in the works and I jinx it.

The lease is up on Thursday. I have absolutely no place to store *myself*, let alone two bedroom sets, two bookcases, a couch, a loveseat, a dining room set (it originally had four chairs, but I broke three of them), a widescreen tv, a whole bunch of breakable things (mostly on my end, including things like a set of Harley Quinn mugs, and some glass-encased scented candles from Yankee Candle but also includes dishes), and a whole bunch of plastic boxes, mostly on my end, filled with all sorts of fangirl bric a brac (figurines, dolls, etc). Not to mention our clothes, my bike, her battery-powered scooter (used when she's outside) and Midnight, the cat.

Ruby said yesterday she was going to talk to mom and insisted I answer when she did, but I never got a response. There was mention of mom calling the landlord about convincing us to stay another thirty days, knock wood and fingers crossed he agrees to it


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