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2019-04-27 - 8:04 pm

Dear readers-

I have now been here in this apartment for about a month now.


-The rent is cheap. Currently, as I mentioned before, TLP is paying my rent. Once the two months are up, I'll be paying $700.

-My roommates are nice and quiet. I'll hear music coming from Roommate Lisa's room when she's home, and Rosita's tv, but that's about it.

-I don't have to pay for utilities.

-I've lived in Riviera Beach before, so at least I'm already familiar with the area.


-It's not truly "mine".

At least living with Mom, I had my stuff spread around the rental. We had our own tv, love seat, dining room table, etc. We ate the same food, so there was no fighting for space in the fridge. We had the kitchen cabinets all to ourselves. Now, all my non-pershable food is crammed in one fucking quarter of the goddammed area, and I have to be mindful of how much space the perishable items take up.

As a result, I can only buy one carton of milk at a time (a bad thing as I slurp down milk like you wouldn't believe), I only have room for *three* cans of soda-forcing me to remind myself to replace them before bed so I'll have cold soda in the morning. I have to put my dishes in my room, along with my bathroom supplies, because there's literally no room for them. I'd get my bedroom set out of storage, except I have no money for movers and I never learned how to drive, so a U-Haul is out (assuming I knew how to put together my Queen bed). I'm basically renting out a little room to store my possessions and sleep in, that's it.

-I don't mind sharing a bathroom-I did it with Mom-but I really don't like the bathroom. It's as if someone took a closet and made it into a handicapped-accessible shower stall with a toilet and a sink, the shower curtain dividing the shower part. One of my big regrets is that I didn't do two things before I left the Days Inn: swim in the pool more and take a bath in the bathtub. Oh, and I never got to eat at that IHOP that was there.

-Rosita would sit all day in front of the tv if given half the chance. She has her own tv, but the tv in the living room has cable, so she'll stare at the tv all day. Since her English is very poor, I'm convinced she doesn't really know what she's watching, just picks a channel at random, watches it for hours, and then flips the channel to another random channel when bored with it. She hogs the tv all weekend, pissing me off because, y'know, I'd like to not be cooped up in my room all night.

I filled out a change of address form a week ago. I made the mistake on the Uber, and accidentally ended up at the post office near Cypress Lakes. As I walked past it after filling out the forms, I gave it's gates the good old fashioned Bronx Cheer. Our neighbors, I'm sure, threw a party after we left. Speaking of which, when I lost my phone and had to replace it, I lost the number for Ruby. Oh well, it's not like she was ever gonna call me back, and it's not like I can afford her services at the rate things are going anyway.

I'm visiting mom tomorrow, same as always. I don't want to, to be honest. I've sensed I'm becoming her emotional support animal, and that's starting to bother me. Every time I start to miss living with her, I hear her whine at the nurses and that reminds me why I'm putting up with living in this POS house with five others in Riviera Beach. I do miss having a cat, though. Hope they gave Midnight to a good home, I miss that fucker.

I hope I either find a job soon or I get that thrift store job. Can't live off of her SS and retirement pension forever.


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