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2021-01-25 - 4:04 pm

Dear readers:

I moved into Burckle West several hours ago.

Last night was pretty nerve wracking. Kathy's suggestion to take all my stuff down the night before, to avoid having to go up and down the stairs, turned out to be a good idea, especially considering how steep Burckle's stairs are. KJ and Paula helped move me (Kathy couldn't, on grounds she left earlier to go to work).

Speaking of Kathy, I have a sneaking suspicion we won't be friends anymore. If I am to be truthful, I am a shitty friend. I'm stubborn and hardheaded, and she'd been trying ever since I got here to help me out, which I have steadfastly refused to accept. But in my defense, it's kinda hard to want to do anything when you have a roommate who basically nags and harps at you to do it. And Kathy has some pretty strong opinions on things, opinions I do not agree with. Like that women who get hit by their men deserve it (in spite of having been in what sounds like an abusive relationship herself).

I tried to focus on the good parts of her personality, like her warm and engaging personality, but if I am to be honest, I feel like a lot of what I was doing there was humoring her so she wouldn't get mad. Over the course of the last few weeks, she's been even more in a mood since I found out I'd be moving to BW, because she was of the opinion that I was an idiot for doing so, and was especially harsh-more so than usual-about the fact I didn't really accomplish any of the goals I set out to do when I moved into Burckle Place (Which, tbh, fair). And yet she used to complain I lied too much. Gee, I wonder why.

Theresa has been awfully accommodating to me. She was always warm and friendly at BP, but now she's *really* over the top. This after Kathy put the fear of God in me for *weeks* about how she has her own life and friends, and I shouldn't horn in and try to befriend her. (That's one of the things Kathy was always harping about, how I should make friends).

Fun fact, Wal-Mart has a thing on their app where you can punch in your EBT card and you can use that as payment for deliveries, so I took advantage of that to buy myself a few things to tide myself over until tomorrow, when I can buy more substantial stuff on my way home. Don't think I'll be doing much of that, they took my EBT card as payment, but tacked on an $18 fee.

Mom is in the hospital, they say she has a blood clot. I visited her in the hospital. I knew she'd lost a great deal of weight, nurses had sent me pictures, but seeing it in the flesh, plus her slurring her words due to all the drugs they gave her, not to mention Covid making even the *smallest* activity harder...*ssh*


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