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2018-01-25 - 8:00 am

Dear readers-

We're moving into the new apartment two weeks from now. Our new apartment doesn't allow pets, so we're going to have to smuggle Midnight in. How we're going to do this, I do not know, but I sure as Hell am *not* giving him back to the shelter we got him from.

Since, as I have mentioned before the move-in date is on a Thursday, we're gonna have to spend the weekend packing. Luckily, most of my stuff is already packed, as I have some plastic bins I carry my stuff in when we move. All I need to do is pack my breakable things and I'm good. My mother, however, will need to do her packing. Most of her things are already in boxes, we just need to pack her books and clothing. The moving company will take care of the furniture.

Speaking of the moving company, I need to mop and sweep. A couple of moves ago, we had a company refuse to take us because the apartment smelled. On the day of the move, of all things. Oh, they took our washer and dryer to our storage shed, but we had to do some last-minute scrambling to find another mover to take us, pissing off my money-conscious mother. Didn't have the courage to tell them it wasn't the cat that was the source of the pee smell that they smelt.

A couple of days ago I moved to the advanced class. Twice a week we will be on the floor of the salon the school runs. We will get a chance to work on clients. I'm not good enough yet to work on live models, but I hear they tip decently. I'll have to ask Miss James about it. She runs the cosmetology program and teaches the advanced class. When she's busy with doing paperwork for the program, her assistant, an old woman with alopecia, a slight West Indian accent and hardcore Bitchy Resting Face supervises. She's nice, but she scares the crap out of me.

I'm tired. I have trouble sleeping as it is, and going to school in the morning doesn't help. Maybe it'll get better when we move closer to the school?


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