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2019-03-31 - 8:21 pm

Dear readers-

Holy shit, do Caretaker Lisa's mood swings need their own alert system. One minute, she's stomping out of the house with Resting Bitch Face, the next she's sweet. Oh, and the Haitian woman's name is Rosita. As far as I know, she doesn't seem to leave her room, save for church, feeding herself, and going to the bathroom. And apparently Caretaker Lisa and her are fighting, not sure why. But when CL went to Rosita's room to talk, Rosita claimed she was busy, a fact I *know* is bullshit, she has her own tv in her room, and she leaves her door open a crack.

I'm not sure if that look of this place Claudia promised will come to fruition. Maybe I should bite the bullet and get some of my stuff out of storage, maybe even buy that chair I'd been considering. I'm probably not going to have my own bed back for some time, and boy howdy, do I miss it. After visiting mom today, I'm starting to miss living in the Days Inn. The closest I'll get to seeing it again anytime soon will be if they *finally* get that IHOP attached to it remodeled. Or I can afford to stay there as a guest.

I'm going to have a talk with TLP tomorrow about this Lunch and Learn bullshit. Probably gonna get a lecture about patience, but, tbh, with three months to get a job, I don't have time to be patient, goddammit.


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