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2019-04-04 - 7:51 pm

Dear readers-

I spoke with the councillors. I was advised to be patient, to keep going to Lunch and Learn, even though I don't want to, and I was set up with an appointment with a GED tutor on Tuesday, after I mentioned how much difficulty I was having with that stupid online high school diploma bullshit I was only able to get into FCC because of.

I hate it here. Back when I lived in Riviera Beach the first time, I lived not far from the Port of Palm Beach, one of the big shipping areas in the county, near the "downtown" area (basically where the City Hall, Riviera Beach Police Department, and the Riviera Beach Library are). It was clear that poor people lived there, but it didn't look "poverty stricken".

Not where I live now. The street where I live can be reached through a steep, steep hill, which pisses me off, as my bike isn't designed to be ridden up hills. Did I mention the house it at the very end of the street, at the top of said hill?

I saw a very blatant drug deal happening right in the daylight a couple of days ago.

A lot of the houses, including the one I'm living in, seem to be adapted for either people with Type 2 diabetes or old people, with what looks like *a lot* of crudely-made handicapped ramps.

I went into the storage unit on Monday to get some stuff of mine. I took a box that was labeled "pillows and blankets", only to find it contained the pillows that go on the couch and one of my statues, the one of the two fairies, one with a lizard's tail, about to kiss, wrapped in one of my mother's blankets. Great. Now I'm gonna have take an Uber to put it back in storage on Saturday.

Caretaker Lisa is being a bitch again. Roommate Lisa and I were chatting, and CL got offended because I stopped talking when she came in the room. Apparently, this was disrespectful to her and this led to a tirade about what a bitchy racist weirdo I am (CL is black, I'm white). It's like this woman stores up all her grievances, then lets them out all at once during some petty issue. In her case: I'm a devil worshipper (still), she doesn't feel comfortable around me, I put that potty chair outside (I think a mother with a child lived there before me, I found it in the closet, the foyer is where all the stuff from previous tenants have lived go, under the reason they *might* come back for it, the chair disappeared, she found it next to the garbage, she accused me of putting it there to make room for my bike), and I scurried into my room that one time because I don't like black people.

Is there an off switch on her?! I get that Black women are stereotypically loud and obnoxious, but, seriously, what the Hell?


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