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2019-05-16 - 6:53 am

Dear readers-

The good news and the bad news:

Good news is that my wallet-which I dropped yesterday and spent all of last night sleepless, wondering how I was going to replace the contents of-was found (especially the ID, from what I understand they're getting pretty tough on the things you need to get one). Bad news is that the thick wad of cash I had in there is gone. The Good Samaritan who dropped it off at the nearest Chase bank must've also not only taken my money, but also some gift cards I had in there and all the change in that little pocket for them. Prick.

I found out when I got a call from Chase. Mom and I have bank cards from that bank, so, luckily my number was on their list. It seems the Good Samaritan saw my card and dropped it off at the nearest Chase bank. Which is on Clematis Street. I had to pedal like crazy to get there, but I got there. Thankfully.


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