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2020-05-16 - 6:48 am

Dear readers:

I stayed at home all day Monday and Tuesday waiting for the key. On Wednesday, Kathy was given the key.

Well, it turns out the cleaning of Gail and Lisa's not only wasn't as bad as I thought, but also we got it done much earlier than we projected!

You have to understand: I grew up in a house that, until Kathy explained it to me, was a hoarder's house. We hadn't used the living room in *years* because dad had piled all his crap on the entrances (we also had a dining table in that living room that we never used for that same reason, we ate our meals on paper plates on our laps in our rooms). There was no room to put a litterbox, so our cats shit everywhere. My room was equally a mess, because I had to throw things out in secret, or mom would freak out and make me open the bag to make sure I hadn't thrown anything important out (supposedly, this was because I had intentionally thrown out an important paper from school, Kathy doubted this when I told her this story). We had a garage/storage area that you could access through a set of steps leading to the house-which my dad blocked with his boxes. So when Kathy said it was bad, I was using my own lens of "really bad mess".

Not to say it wasn't bad-for instance, Lisa had apparently brought up a glass of milk, then left it on her dresser drawer-but it wasn't as bad as I imagined it to be. There are two closets, a small one with shelves on one side and a pole to hang clothes on, and a bigger one with just two big shelves up top. I got the bed next to the big closet because it's near the windows and Kathy has an irrational fear of sleeping near windows.

Gail had apparently used the big closet. Did I mention also she was a huge clothes horse and left a lot of it behind? The first day was spent cleaning out that closet. She just up and dumped a pile of her shit on one side. Four days in a row were spent cleaning that room, with obvious breaks for meetings (we have to do them via Zoom) and meals. We moved all of our stuff in yesterday and began sleeping there last night. Later, we'll clean our old room and make the beds.


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