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2019-12-27 - 2:29 pm

Dear readers:

I never told you about Kathy, did I?

My first thought when I met her was, "this woman used to be a teacher". Turns out, I was right: Kathy was a high school ESE teacher. For some vague reason, something to do with losing her job-and some issues involving an abusive ex-she became homeless.

(This isn't uncommon here, BTW, I have been here for three months and I still only have a vague idea of what these girls were like before Burckle)

We get along quite well. Very sweet woman.

She's not perfect, of course, for one thing she's a devout Christian (luckily, not of the WBC type, although after some comments she made, scolding me about "getting too deep into the occult" for reading New Age books, I have decided to stay in the broom closet to her), and a *hardcore* Trump supporter. She also believes that Anthony Bourdain's suicide was staged by a cabal of pedophiles who wanted to silence him, rants about illegal immigration whenever it comes up. Kathy can also be pushy, stubborn and argumentative, especially when it comes to me, but I know she does it out of a desire to light a fire under my ass and ensure I get shit done while I'm at Burckle. So I put up with it.

It's raining outside. I am sitting in a Starbucks nursing a cup of ice water. I should go home, but not yet.


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